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Subscribe to my Substack, Embracing Purpose with Wonder, to receive a monthly email to help you draw out aspects of your unique purpose and start practising them. These activities will come in many forms and might be a worksheet, journaling prompts, devotional excerpts, or some other type of adventure. No matter the form, they will all be geared toward getting you moving.


If you track with me for twelve months, you will have put twelve aspects of your unique purpose into action, resulting in a more authentic and focused pursuit of your purpose. The joy and wonder that comes through seeing others benefit from what only you can do, is the bonus side effect.


This Substack is also where I will share updates, opportunities to test new content, and early access to new content. 

6 Aspects of Purposeful Sight

See how you were uniquely designed to live a fulfilling life that empowers others. 6 Aspects of Purposeful Sight leads you through six readings and exercises. Complete one a day as part of a daily devotional or devour them all at once. May it bless you in your journey of discovering your most purposeful self.

Purposeful Generosity Plan

If you're looking to enter a new season of generosity that feels both purposeful and fulfilling, these journalling prompts can help guide you. You can reflect on the highlights of the past, spend time exploring where God is at work now, dream of new ways to be generous, and then build some specific action steps to help you launch into a new purposefully generous season. And it's FREE!

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YouVersion Devotional -Naming Your Unique Purpose

Available now on the YouVersion Bible App. Naming our purpose is one of the most powerful things we can do. God is a Creator with wisdom, strategy, and precision. Those tugs on your heart that say you were meant to see and do more are a clue to how He designed you. Naming helps us understand the specific value of what we have been given. It gives us something to visualise. It gives us something to practice!

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